So I heard Anna Paulina Luna is going to 'tell' us what's in the JFK files… So, to be clear, they aren't being released 'again'… I don't need anyone to 'tell' me what's in a file when I can just read it.
Same goes for cops, if you take one down, hold onto the gun. I'd share a very nice 'pretty please may I have my gun back' letter but, Spouse anon plays dirty when she's on the rag and pissed.. It was my most prized possession after dropping a Sherriff, disarming him and taking his gun. He was so in the wrong, and I was a 'respected member of the community', they decided the best course of action was for him to 'sincerely apologize' in writing, he also showed up and begged me in person because if he didn't quietly rectify the situation, they were threatening to press charges against him and jail him. Ah, memories, now I'm old.
It's old news, plus I have no issue w/you using ToR but 9/10 you're either the trash, or you'll get filtered w/it.
You sound like you got caught spamming. I've lost half my family from the damn vaxx. I've posted about, never deleted. I didn't take the vaxx because this board provided sufficient evidence it was unnecessary and likely dangerous. Sounds to me like it's not the message, it's the messenger.
SECOND that, was he talking to you or me and who the f' is Candice?
Yup, 1st round was such a 'nothing burger' many in my family went back for seconds and thought I was nuts. Sadly, just lost my pop's few months back, I told you so's just aren't the same when it's someone you actually care about.
Let's get this on the record now vs hearing about it over/over. Schumer projecting/lying loudly.
CP poster was here bright/early, thwacked him like whack-a-mole couple hours ago.
Sigh… so no JFK release, no 'winning'… I'm have a bad case of déjà vu.
Notice the mention, they are waiting till 'October' to drop Trump Media posts. NARA was openly planning to assist in some sort of 'October Surprise' and it's right there in the open.
Landing gear failure, so it's hard to blame an Multi Functional Display Unit (MFDU) hack…
Keep hearing that, but looked on Breaking911 yesterday and never found that post or have I seen any sauce regarding 'no more EO's'. It's not legal on it's face, so someone drop a like or it's 'fake news'. Trump's comment was in regards to the DOGE order.
Look at that sexy targeting pod, baddest thing the U.S. has in the inventory. We need another 50 or so of these modernized/lightened. They're already one of the fastest things in our inventory aside from the SR-1, F-22, don't give me the 'wiki says', nonsense head fake.
Sigh, *SR-71, need an edit option in the first 10 seconds.
I don't follow you question; "where does the Declaration of Independence go? Where does military law go?". UCMJ falls under DoD, Declaration of Independence isn't a govt function?
Damnit! *your question… Fucking gimp, reach the f'ing R key already.
AI w/a beautiful answer;
"The main difference between the two documents is their purpose: the Declaration of Independence declared the colonies' independence and established the principles of the new nation, while the Constitution established the framework of the government and the laws of the land.
The Declaration of Independence is considered a statement of principles and a call to action, while the Constitution is a detailed plan for the structure and function of the government."