Over 60 NGO's tied to the Pritzker family? Interesting. Isn't one of them a politician too?
I hear Schumer's whistleblower hotline is boomeranging and most of the calls are about Democrat corruption.
And the mimic confirmed he's a MuhJoo. What a simple retard.
>and if we dare to say anything our posts are deleted.
Who's we? You're so persecuted, bruh. You should develop an all day every day routine around that, projecting in some form onto who you blame or something. Just an idea.
Cool story.
You could always spend time doing something other that trying to tell free thinkers what to do and think, there's always that option for your continual failure of the former.
Can already tell it's going to be a good day today.
I like how the mimic psychotically ranted and raved in 2023 about a "namefag famefag rollcall," which has been replaced with an acronym that he participates in. So how anons were saying good morning before was bad, but the acronym he spams, because it trends on other platforms, is okay for some reason.
> Most likely raped by Hollywood bigwigs
I'd say that's pretty much a guarantee. Almost like she's trying to make herself ugly to avoid the attention of abusers.
>The bureaucracy (a.k.a. deep state) runs things now.
You namefagged as Q on your first post. If the deep state runs things why are they running around like chickens with their heads on fire over USAID being cut. The bureaucracy is scared shitless and unable to do anything about it except expose themselves and their activists further.
>posts the same subject matter repeatedly even though the subject has been beaten to death for 7 years
But Alinsky said all they need to do is keep the pressure on and their lies with become truths in the minds of everyone, and Goebnels said make the lie big enough and keep repeating it and then people will believe it. And they use forced visibility, compelled listening, obfuscation with multiple ID's and IP hopping, and still no one believes their bullshit here, and then they to insult if you don't buy their bullshit, and then start crying when their propaganda gets removed. Weaklings clinging to outdated tactics that only work on the weak minded.
>and then they to
and then they try to
>this is qresearch nobody gives s fuck what POTUS says
You speak for everyone, moran. You're seriously going to try and claim no one here cares what POTUS Trump says? You smell that? That's the new fragrance from House of Clown.
Quiet, clown. I'd say the money going to Ukraine is more an issue, especially considering the symbology in use in their military. Fuckin' retard.
Simple shill with a simple gimmick. All caps. Probably VaticanClown.
Working with them when he was younger was the happiest time of his life. Who the fuck looks on working with Nazis, a blight upon the 20th century that the majority of the world rallied against, with fondness?
Whenever you post those I see an admission of fear. If you're lucky then they'll knock first.
Did Epstein or Ghislaine ever receive money from USAID?