Israel Rejects Russian Plan To Keep Iranian Forces 100km From Golan Border
Israel Rejects Russian Plan To Keep Iranian Forces 100km From Golan Border
That's not proof SHILL
Shills are here in force atm!
BBC Was in Bed With the Government to Flush Out 'Subversives' - Archives
The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) sought help from a government agency to identify "subversives" among its journalists, UK Cabinet papers reveal. They were released today to the National Archives in London.
In 1974, Charles Curran the then Director-General of the BBC, requested a meeting between the BBC's Board of Governors and a controversial government body, the Information Research Department, IRD.
Denver Post Runs Letter to Editor Suggesting Trump Should Be Executed
The Denver Post published a letter to the editor suggesting President Donald Trump should be executed for treason.
The letter criticized the president and Sen. Cory Gardner (R., Colo.) following Trump's summit with Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, and said Soviet spies Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who passed atomic bomb secrets to Moscow, were executed for "far less."
The letter, written by Suzanne Gagnon of Lakewood, was in response to the paper's editorial last week, which gave tepid praise of Gardner. The editorial argued the Republican senator "deserves credit" for taking a tough stance against Russia and sponsoring legislation to add Russia to the state sponsor of terror list.
"Sen. Cory Gardner is insipid, at best," Gagnon wrote in her letter to the editor published Saturday. "His words are always carefully chosen and, if challenged, their intent open to ‘spinning' to his own advantage. No surprise here he didn't call President Donald Trump out by name.
"The legislation he has proposed is weak, not tough; it's simply more wordsmithing," she said. "Gardner is certainly not the only politician I take issue with, but I don't see the Denver Post championing anyone else like you champion Gardner."
Gagnon then compared Trump to the Rosenbergs, who were tried and put to death for espionage in 1953. She said there are "many more actions" that should be taken against Trump.
"If it walks like a traitor, and talks like a traitor, and acts like a traitor … it is a traitor," Gagnon said. "Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed on a basis of far less evidence than is had on Trump and many in his administration."
"Besides being in agreement with the actions recommended in the editorial of July 19, I believe there are many more actions that can and should be taken against Trump to keep him from destroying the U.S.," she said. "If our leader doesn't support any swift, significant pushback against Russian meddling, our votes aren't worth much."
Compass Colorado, a conservative nonprofit organization, said the editorial is in line with the "increasingly violent tone" of political rhetoric on the left.
"The mere fact the Denver Post would publish a letter to the editor with this type of language speaks to both the increasingly violent tone of liberals in Colorado politics and the desperation of the Post for readership," said Kelly Maher, executive director of Compass Colorado.
"This trend of violent language in Colorado is deeply concerning," she said. "Just a few months ago the Boulder Daily Camera published a letter to the editor asking if citizens have a moral responsibility to take arms against oil and gas well workers, and the liberal group ProgressNow Colorado tweeted out a picture of Senator Cory Gardner with blood on his hands after a shooting, and now this Denver Post letter."
"This violent and divisive rhetoric will do nothing to change hearts or minds, it's designed to entrench and inflame," Maher said.
The Denver Post pushed back on the idea that the editorial was extreme.
"We would never run a letter suggesting that the president of the United States be executed," said Megan Schrader, editor of the editorial pages. "Upon reviewing this letter, I don't think that was the letter writer's intent."
"She wrote to be critical of an editorial I wrote lauding Sen. Cory Gardner's efforts to impose sanctions on Russia and supportive of another editorial we had run that suggested actions Congress could take to respond to the Helsinki press conference," Schrader added.
‘They may be jihadists but they’re our jihadists’: White Helmets' UK resettlement policy attacked
The White Helmets have on several occasions been the first to provide footage from the sites of alleged chemical attacks and the purported aftermath in Syria, including the Khan Shaykhun and Douma incidents.
The self-styled volunteer first-responders operate in militant-held areas of Syria, and its members have repeatedly been photographed and filmed fraternizing with jihadists, including those linked to Al-Qaeda.
Major General Igor Kirillov, chief of Russia’s Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense Troops, has claimed that the “imitation” of a chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun in 2017 was staged by the controversial group.
Witnesses of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, including 11-year-old Hassan Diab and hospital staff, told reporters at The Hague in April that the White Helmets video that was used as a pretext for a US-led strike on Syria was, in fact, staged.
Army Troops Find Israeli, Jordanian Drugs In Militant Hospital In Suthern Syria: State Media
Troops of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) found a field hospital and a medicine depot, which had belonged to militants in the village of Nabaa al-Sakhar in southern Syria, according to the state-run news agency SANA.
The facilities, which are located in about 16km southeast of the city of Quneitra, included “operating rooms, laboratory, medical equipment and a cache containing large amounts of medicines, some of which are made in Israel and Jordan”.
According to the SANA, militants the field hospital was lcoated in one of the schools in Nabaa al-Sakhar.
Board laggy af
I Think the Anon's are communicating with tities somehow!
'It's the Start of a Completely Different World Order' - Top Russian Talk Show Discusses Trump - Putin Summit (Video)
"Trump is destroying the US global empire, and they (the Deep State) can feel it. They realize it perfectly. The European establishment, which was brought up by the American empire, also understands it. … By the way, they will begin to leave (the empire)"
Very interesting discussion with one of Russia's top political thinkers. He draws many parallels to the collapse of the USSR.
Russian talk shows are very refreshing compared to the tired old neocon bill of goods being peddled by the American mainstream media.
Transcript in images:
Cont from images:
Why do Putin and Trump understand each other so well? Because they both perfectly understand their electorates. Putin is the President of the Russian Federation, and Trump is the President of the United States. Neither of them is someone's agent. They both want their respective countries to develop, and this gives space for communication.
They were very respectful of the Chinese leader for a reason. It seems to me that we might now witness the very first steps of building a new world order. Conceptually, these three centers of power will have to interact, looking into the eyes of each other to figure out what future they would like to have for themselves as well as all of mankind. That's why Trump noted that our countries possess 95% of all nuclear weapons. We must negotiate.
You know it's fake?
Really accurate and almost like a blueprint of the last 100 years or so but it's fake! Just sayin!