There's many ways to show that the OG was switched out.
A whole list of evidence.
Tina Foster, a lawyer, did the best and most exhaustive work on it.
What I find most interesting is the back in those days there were autists who put it together and knew.
Oh course they were mocked viciously.
Even more interesting they found clues left in the music, Like the Jokers do, right? They always leave little notes revealing themselves for their own amusement.
The autists of the day were able to read those hints and giveaways, and of course that made them look even more insane to the normies.
Right around that time the 'Seconds" movie came out and Brian Wilson of the "Beach Boys" had a nervous breakdown over it.
He could tell it was a different guy (play the guitar with the other hand, Not talent for songwriting , Had to learn the guitar.
Anyway Brian Wilson didn't recover for decades. It pushed him over the edge.