if what you say is true,
YOU have nothing to teach,
and I have nothing to learn from you.
YOU couldn't handle mf's with shovels
or you let it happen, either or,,
you are the traitor.
all you can do is talk
if what you say is true,
YOU have nothing to teach,
and I have nothing to learn from you.
YOU couldn't handle mf's with shovels
or you let it happen, either or,,
you are the traitor.
all you can do is talk
hes a traitor
there is no hive mind and hive herd.
if there were a hive mind, KFC shoulda been
handled, along with all dairy producers, and
livestock producers period.
el juegiuito de extraterrestres del arjona, es los pedazos de mierda (usted) que vende leche