With it being revealed that USAID was largely behind anti-gamergate, and the whole censorship operation around that, something of note that isn't always brought up about gamergate, was how many of its opposition was pedophiles. Several of their "journalists" were arrested for CP, and also there was the case of Sarah Nyberg. I hardly ever hear this brought up, but he (he was one of those "trans" that would claim to be female while making no attempt at all at looking female, sporting a beard and everything) would post grossly taken out of context tweets to claim all of gamergate was like this. Usually the post of some bad actor probably on their side just to be inflammatory and make GG look bad. Then his posts would be signal boosted probably the most of any single anti-GG poster. Other than the literal who's (Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu), this was probably the most prominent person of anti GG.
It turns out he had posted fantasies about grooming and raping his 8yo cousin. This was not considered to be a scandal at all amongst anti-GG. They all circled the wagons for him, and I remember how shocked everyone was, including myself, for how openly they would white knight for a pedophile. They turned out to be all supportive of pedophilia, except maybe a few people who condemned and were immediately attacked by the rest of anti-GG for breaking ranks and condemning pedophilia. I think a lot of these might have been brainwashed college students who believed in the clown world propaganda, but drew the line at raping children. People contacted the parents of this cousin and found out they knew, and kept him away from her, so at least she was safe.
Anyways, with a data point like that, and the fact that anti-GG(USAID?) were so disproportionately supportive of pedophilia, how likely is it that the usaid money was also used for CP and/or child sex trafficking? Much like how Musk found out initially about USAID by their noncompliance to Trump's executive orders, what about using overall acceptance of pedophilia or the amount of white knighting for pedophiles, to find out if related money is being used for crimes against children?