RFK is being sworn in right now
bye bye gaza
hello Magaza!
why is Nuto trying to destroy trumps peace deal?
are back on the menu boys.
The War of the Activist Judges goes on.
manufacturing is so unprofitable in this country that a fuckin pizza boy makes more than a skilled machinist, there's literally no way we can reshore without getting in a partial (ie survivable) nuclear exchange with the chinks and trump is far too pussy to do that
>Change back the name gringo! Or else I sue hehehe!
Inshallah the truth will be illuminated.
Ben "The Sunni Warrior" Garrison
This is what you get lmao. Americans loving being turned into peasants!
Now that RFK has been confirmed as health secretary, are you looking forward to him ending the war on psychedelics, peptides, and raw milk? Will corrupt hospitals stop killing people?
>Native Palestinians don't want to move.
Nobody cares
>Moving them will cause frustration in the other countries.
As long as they leave israel. I am happy, prole.
>Being direct with Israelis and making them help rebuild what they have turned to rubble would be better.
Nobody cares.
>Israel can not expand.
It has expanded more than any country in the world relative to its original size.
>Palestinians don't appreciate being occupied.
Once again, nobody cares.
does this mean that usa-russia trade can go back to normal again?
the world is run by murderous troon psychopaths.
Never trust a short brown man. They are violent and insane.
New extreme symptom of "worms" forming inside your body from Pfizer "vaccines". Why are mRNA gene modifications still legal? And when will deep state leftist "doctors" that push these be taken to trial?
What are you going to do about it you snot-lice insect goyim shit? I piss on you and your existence. Israel will win and I will suck nazi cocks online if I have to to make that happen. Fuck your mother and fuck your entire existence. I am a god to you and you are not even worthy being called my parasite.
תחי הארץ הקדושה
בדרך של הונאה תצא למלחמה
Nothing beats the sound of a good "AFUERA!"
You are a bitch that don't even have the balls to post with the same IP twice. I piss on you.
Enjoy the filter insect - just as you have your entire life. זהו גורל
I am willing to bet £5k that you would never say a single word from that sentence to my face. I will find your mothers grave and I will make it my personal duty to take a good piss on it every day right after the Shabbat. Enjoy the sacred piss, because you deserve nothing more.
ניפגש יום אחד
Leftists are winning! They are winning in suicide and depression!
Marrying a leftist woman will just make your life miserable as well.
Foregin Anti-american insurrection heavily promoted by reddit
How long are we going to pretend that we care what women is saying?
It's just so hard, they get in your face and demand attention like a leech. They are so provocative.