what's with the
New Baker
in the dough?
what's with the
New Baker
in the dough?
ahh makes sense
bc it's night shift
some important astrological events coming up:
today the sun entered leo - previous sign cancer (cardinal water) rules the subconscious and the past (things from the past are unearthed and reexamined) - leo season is markedly different as it is fixed fire - the ruler/king/leader of the zodiac, also rules entertainment, leo is all about "the show"
we are in leo until august 22
–note: POTUS is a rising leo - this is his time to shine
this leo season we will be experiencing 2 eclipses, on one july 27 (lunar eclipse) in the sign of aquarius– the water bearer (watch the water), sign of communities, organizations, activism, and also of misfits and geniuses – and one on august 11 (solar eclipse) in leo . eclipses reveal our individual and collective shadows, very auspicious times and each solar eclipse marks the beginning of a new 6 month cycle until the next eclipse
mercury (planet of communication) and mars (planet of war and action) are both retrograde until the end of august.
uranus (planet of radical unpredictable change, technology) goes retrograde on august 7
when planets are retrograde it appears as if everything pertaining to the planet is in a holding pattern, a time to reexamine, reinterpret, remember, reread, etc
currently 5 planets are in retrograde, which explains the collective feeling of "holding our breath". things pick up and get moving again once planets go direct
aug. 19 - mercury goes direct
aug. 27 - mars goes direct
sep. 6 - saturn goes direct
sep. 30 - pluto goes direct
pluto and saturn (outer planets) have a bigger impact globally than personal planets like mars and mercury.. expect happenings around these times
lion's gate portal on 8/8 - this is when the sun in leo aligns with the galactic center and sirius - opening a portal for an influx of energy which aids in raising the consciousness of the planet
fun times ahead
"millionaires don't use astrology. billionaires do." - JP Morgan