I'm not sure if this is a POSSIBLE Q decode:
Revolves around the following 3 pieces of information:
Q post 556 with the phrase: "Make sure to learn Russian.": https://qanon.pub/?q=russian#566
Putin's mention of Browder recently: https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-putin-bill-browder-magnitsky-act-press-conference-2018-7
The recently resurfaced Magnitsky documentary. It's on bitchute. One of the relevant parts starts at 52:00 and on through the German politician's interview.
Some interesting things in the documentary, which is about the accountant who is the namesake behind the Magnitsky Act.
The official narrative is he was killed because he accused some Russian cops of stealing from Browder's interests, and they locked him up until he retracted his accusations, but held out until he died.
The EU MSM proof of this is the Russian police document which is a supposed written account or testimony and Magnitsky's accusations against the officers, and his subsequent imprisonment, and harsh treatment, which lead to his death.
According to the director, because it's in Russian, everyone (including himself) took Browder's translation of the document for granted that's what the documents say. Apparently, nobody else in western media bothered to have it translated on their own?
Long story short, the director contends that Magnitsky never named the officers of stealing directly, his proof being the same exact document, contrary to the widely spread translation of the document. (Which destroys the motive to kill him).
The connection to Q, and what might be the decode, is that in the U.S., the Act is passed, based on a possible FALSE TRANSLATION of said RUSSIAN "testimony". Make sure to learn Russian?
I couldn't track down the scrib document, that was a screen grab from the documentary, plus I don't speak/read Russian anyway, but thought maybe an anon could track it down and take a look at the actual testimony for themselves. That's all I got, and I could be way off, or maybe misunderstood some things in the doc though, because I know nothing about the Russian political atmosphere.
Little bonus crumb included in pic.
Also, could POTUS tweet about Iran be "The shot heard round the world?"