Anonymous ID: 137b37 Feb. 14, 2025, 3:37 a.m. No.22580897   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Prolly expose this before noon and kickoff the Deep Furry Suicide Circus, mitigation of retarded 5 eyes fucks and worthless and stupid Alphabet Traitor Trash.

Anonymous ID: 137b37 Feb. 14, 2025, 3:43 a.m. No.22580906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0908

Alphabet DeepTraitors lost everything because they simply were not Intelligent enough to wage any kind of effective psychological warfare, all of that time and training, every second of their professional lives a waste of time that proved inadequate when it mattered most.


A life of nothing, a ditch digger accomplished more

Anonymous ID: 137b37 Feb. 14, 2025, 4:04 a.m. No.22580946   🗄️.is 🔗kun

One weekend in 1946 a two guys built a 20 foot stockade fence out of cedar that still stands today, lasted longer and accomplished more for society the Central Intelligence Agency.

Anonymous ID: 137b37 Feb. 14, 2025, 4:18 a.m. No.22580986   🗄️.is 🔗kun

With an endless budget and thousands of employees the Central Intelligence Agency where bereft of the wherewithall to fashion a screenshot with words on it that could gain purchase in anyone's attention.

Anonymous ID: 137b37 Feb. 14, 2025, 4:25 a.m. No.22581005   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Wars are one with warriors who believe in what they are fighting for, the Central Intelligence Agency lost the fight for their very existence because a compromised pedophilic retard doesn't lend one to being a even moderately compliant Pysch-War soldier, just a worthless piece of shit sicko fuck

Anonymous ID: 137b37 Feb. 14, 2025, 4:57 a.m. No.22581085   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Memetics and Aesthetics, two things the Central Intelligence Agency could never truly understand or accomplish, mostly due to cognitive deformity and reliance on soft minded pedophilic retards devoid of competent vocation, taste or any measurable level of intelligence.

Anonymous ID: 137b37 Feb. 14, 2025, 5:09 a.m. No.22581118   🗄️.is 🔗kun


So this algorithm of inversion didn't really work, 82 years isn't even a fart in history.


A pathetic queef.