Evil does not know how to create - it can only corrupt.
morning smokers are the worst
It started after this was posted. But /pol/ is a few steps ahead. Don't worry.
how can we provoke them even further? What is the best way to provoke a modern 304?
what is this
can we make a pepe of the smooth-skin brigette somehow? kek
I know that feel bro. I know that feel.
<22585969 (You)
Anons! Mental health decreases with age. Make sure to take care of your body as you get older.
Work out everyday.
Eat regularly.
Sleep deep and orderly.
Drink clean water.
Why do they do this? It is so easy to say we believe in meritocracy and do not judge on the color of skin. So why continue to be racist against white people? Will Trump make them bend the knee?
Maybe the chans saved your life.
what a creep for real
Whiny demoralizer filtered.
I would watch a Ron&Jim podcast regularly talk about world news.
Podcasts are the easiest money today, (assuming you got at least a few sponsors).
It certainly didn't save this dolls life. But the perpetrator went to jail!
she could be a good breeder with Ron
>All male citizens of the United States between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register for the draft within 30 days of turning 18. Permanent residents, asylum seekers, illegal immigrants, and refugees are also required to register. There is no option to identify yourself as a conscientious objector.
>Failure to register or update personal details can mean a five-year prison sentence and a fine of $250,000
>German police using chainmail against knife attacks.
When are we bringing back the Knightly armors?
What a disgusting place standing outside the toilets like that. Wiping his head and then putting the towel on the rail. Why would people do this?
apple doesn't like competition
eggs need to be made cheaper before that's becomes a rule