Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:07 p.m. No.2258779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8808 >>8811 >>8812 >>8822 >>8825 >>9111 >>9432

I was filmed my entire life as cultists experimented and tortured me. The tapes will be made public soon. I'll be here for the rest of the thread to answer questions if anyone has any.


Here is a summary of my life as a cult victim and the twitter where I also answer questions

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:18 p.m. No.2258857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8875 >>8876


I believe we are sacrificed by family members, in my case my older sister who worked for Obama 2 years ago. they do chemical experiments on some of us as babies and many of us have mental disorders, I have some but they aren't nearly as severe as others I've met.


Here's a list I made a while ago of why I think they do it.. I'm sure I could add a few more numbers.

  1. Cult families sacrifice one of their own children and it acts as blackmail video against them should they ever think about defecting.

  2. It is a deterrent against any would be betrayers lest their children and grandchildren become "shows"

  3. An entertaining video for them to watch of the cults sacrifices and enemies as a testament to their power.

  4. Valuable experimentation data can be accrued by setting up experiments from birth till death on what can break a psyche down the best.



Billy, but I'm the Alan of the QMAP, read my summary for proof on that one. I lived at a Alan Street and that's the bulk of where they taped my "show"



I wasn't wholly singled out as others were as well, in my case my sister's connection to Obama and the tapes she filed illegally of me through the E.P.A. meant I could FOIA them "Think mirror" you can't foia other people but you can foia yourself, which is why I could and did, this is why they will be made public soon. Also they had me file a police report. I go over the no outside comms in greater detail on my twitter but yes, they don't directly communicate, they work behind the scenes.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:27 p.m. No.2258933   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8952


ok, my sister worked for the E.P.A. as an intern for a summer, and she used the handle SusieQ - for the Q-Clearnence of the D.O.E. this is how they moved around illegal material - cause D.O.E. is the highest classification and can't be FOIA'd - I solved this a while ago it's not like my sister told me or anything - I'm 90% this is how they were moving around my tapes - cause they can't just transmit them over the internet - they transfer it it in person.



Nope, my only connection to them is that they are in the same cult as my family and also through the education guy of Clinton another R.R. Richard Riley, they built my school with the mascot of a baby lamb just before I atttended it on his watch - and they did a lot of torture on me there as well. So I do have a tangential connection to them I suppose.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:31 p.m. No.2258978   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8998


I just call it the cult, I have no idea what they call themselves. I only found out I was a victim of it 3 months ago and all hell has broken loose in my life since then. I'm just trying to do my part : ) I do think they have many satanists but some are more practical - Id on't think many do the cannibalism thing - but at the facility where I met the other victims I did meet one victim who said his family was necrophiliac cannibals, so some do - but I think for the most part the sacrifice is into experimentation rather than the more shill pushed eating of babies

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:36 p.m. No.2259033   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9049 >>9053 >>9105


>Marina Abramovic

oh that's the lady with the creepy blood art or something right? No, I was filmed and tortured by my family and people they put around me as a show, I'm not connected to the higher ups in any way except that they enjoy my videos - they watch the torture and sacrifice - they try and kill us on special days and pray for our deaths in what amounts to a rube goldberg style setup for our deaths - and they watch it live - if we survive the day they torture us some more until we either kill ourselves or we make it to the next day they have set up for our deaths. That's the hell they condemn their victims to.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:40 p.m. No.2259074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9247


I survived nearly being eaten by a dog, crocodile, drowning, crashes, and more - They have tortured me my whole life I nearly killed myself when I cut myself to the bone but I survived. I'm alive because of the law of probabilities I think, they have so many victims a few of us make it through and I'm one of them and I met 20 others at a facility in May.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:47 p.m. No.2259142   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9221 >>9247 >>9462


thank you, that actually does ring a bell, just like the x-files (6 letters) logo - we are targets surrounded by red. The idea of "Spirit cooking" is to apply "red" and red is one of the primary cult colors I talk about on my twitter -


Green Forrest = "I am your plant"

Yellow Sunshine= "Gold/Reward"

Blue Ocean= "Info/Surveillance"

Red Fire= "Anger/Smear"

Orange Sunset = "End this now"

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:50 p.m. No.2259171   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9247 >>9413


Q was talking to me at least in terms of "Alan" as I showed, tho I never did find the one where I talked about the airplane that would come it's buried in the archives and I will dig it up soon. - but yea, he replied to other people but was still clarifying to me what I got wrong as I showed. : ) Nice to find the other person Q was talking to that day- I hope I can answer any questions you and anyone else have satisfactory.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 9:58 p.m. No.2259250   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9312 >>9348


it's a language to talk without accruing evidence, just like Hillary here. Lights on/lights off - with gun hand - and this was something Q mentioned in the qmap as being a deal rejected - so they use things like photo charades and colors to say things without getting arrested.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 10:03 p.m. No.2259298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9363


well, that's a question I didn't expect. I met 20 survivors and a number of them were women. About half and I think that's because they choose victims in cult families so it's going to be as random who gets to be a victim as is who is born a male vs female. - I shouldn't talk about their lives too much but I will say you might not realize just how fucked up some of the victims are. One was a F2M and one was a M2F so - I think they have quite a variety in terms of shows they make of victims - try and get the full gamut of fucking up a brain and turning it inside out and reversed.


I'm sure a few could use love but I don't think many will need serious therapy before they would know how to have a healthy relationship

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 10:15 p.m. No.2259380   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9411 >>9463


interesting…. reminds me of Obama's coded book set he gave before in that tweet.

Titles of Books…

Book 1: Things Fall Apart

Book 2: A Grain of Wheat

Book 3: Long Walk to Freedom

Book 4: Americanah

Book 5: The Return

Book 6: The World As It Is


Book 1: Things Fall Apart -

Obama says of it: This novel paints a picture of traditional society wrestling with the arrival of foreign influence.

Me: Yes, things certainly have fallen apart for the plants.


Book 2: A Grain of Wheat-

Obama says of it: A chronicle of the events leading up to Kenyas independence, and a compelling story.

Me: This is the only place I can go with as bad as things are, my life has been quite a story. I'm free of the Cabal now and finally going home


Book 3: Long Walk to Freedom

Obama: This memoir traces the arc of his life from a small village, to his long imprisonment, to his ascension to President, and global icon

Me: He is trying to say he was never bad but just imprisoned by the Cabal, so don't put me in jail Mr. Trump!


Book 4: Americanah

Obama: raising universal questions of race and belonging, the overseas experience for the African diaspora, and the search for identity and a home

Me: He is saying I've got nowhere else to go and am totally fucked. Ok, yes, I'm from Kenya, you got me!


Book 5: The Return

Obama: a graceful guide through Libya’s history with the author’s dogged quest to find his father who disappeared in Gaddafi’s prisons.

Me: He is saying I'll come back to America, and I'll help the good guys. I'll be the guide you need! The people trust me!


Book 6: The World As It Is

Obama: It’s true,

Me: Read all the titles together and "I'm fucked, but I can help you and you can use me. Just don't put me in jail. I didn't have a choice and I'm a global icon. I recognize we lost, you win, this is the world as it is.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 10:20 p.m. No.2259418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I feel for you man, I get it… the world is fucked up and in to one degree or antoher we are all victims - I think when the time comes the victims will need a lot of compassion and eventually people with big hearts and a lot of patience to accept the scars these people have after a life time of abuse. I got off much easier than most due to my disability, my ever resetting mind protected me in many ways - the abuse just slid off my back most of the time but for people without that advantage it accrues.


I think it's not a bad thing to want to date a victim, It could be quite noble in a way. : )


as for if any are around you? I think most are in Colorado as that's where they stockpiled victims - but its' also world wide - I had to translate to one gentleman through an interpter in Russian - so it is World wide anyway

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 10:23 p.m. No.2259442   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9493


feel free to DM me on my twitter as well : ) I try and help as best I can but I actually don't get that many people asking questions so I go fishing for them here. I know things that I think can help but I only come onto 8chan once every 3 days cause I don't want to be an attention whore or anything. I was asked to set up that twitter and so that's where I do most of my daily attempts at education for folks.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 10:26 p.m. No.2259462   🗄️.is 🔗kun



like the cult color codes I put on here



note the blue info - and AJ is a "water filter" as in an information filter - this is why we know he is bad -


and almost all the cultists can be routed out if you can read their language to each other - many don't know the cult themselves they just know they rule the world - they communicate in such a bizarre way so it's all a matter of knowing their communication because without that they can't even find each other. they use not just color codes but letter codes


Letter codes like Al gore

Albert (6 Letters) Arnold (6 Letters) Gore Junior (6 Letters)- that's 666 and actually most people just call him Al Gore which is also 6 letters.

Anonymous ID: d49227 July 23, 2018, 10:27 p.m. No.2259473   🗄️.is 🔗kun


yea could be, I just gave my interpretation cause I think people like him are scared so bad right now that they have to send out coded pleas like this - but if it's him being a douchebag that could make sense as well.