Break it down to pound, ounce, gram, and quarter gram price ebot
Forgot the term step.. expand your homo.. that is fucking great.
So if they were to cut it 15 times, your estimate of 26million grams.. wow..
I hope they destroyed it all.
Windows NT Server is a program that allows you to set up a server that takes care of a network. The network is nodes and people. You can impliment software to groups of people, access to certain people.. etc it is the backbone of a.. business or whatever.. more like a corporation.. it is the nuts and bolts of a network.. printers, people, nodes, locations (LPN, VPN, WAN, LAN, etc).
Apache is a software that allows a server to talk to different hardware and softwares.. a translator if you will.
There is a TON of missing letters to that tweet though.
R, N, T, A, F, N, W…
I think this is a huge stretch, an the paper, then theCIE.. and reflections.. meh..
The Server(s) of hillary and the deepstate though.. makes me wonder if she had a website “front” or?
Guccifer and what he spoke about is the key to understanding how she had her server set up and all. If it was just an email server or other.. I will have to reread it, and I haven’t touched NT since 2004 so things might have changed a bit with the newer software, but honestly it is all the same.
I do know that servers have layer on top of layer on top of layer for security.. it goes from the Tippy Top to the bottom. When you set it up, you assign security.. and from what I remember, she had NO security on it.. which is dumb yes, but also why have such a crazy software suite for a bunch of harddrives in a server just to use it as a base ass system with no whistles or anything.
Like driving a lambo at 5mph to the grocery store ONLY..
I copied the letters as I have em in that post.. put into duckduckgo and this is what it gave me:
It gave me a lot of other shit, but this is what popped up and I accidently clicked on it.. dumb luck.
It is about a 2005 INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT BOARD (IOB) VIOLATION /\ FBIHQ - CHARLOTTE DIVISION.. supposed tobe declassified in 2032.. take a look and see.
Has Trump been giving us these in his tweets? Are they easter eggs into things we should know? I am fucking tired, I am not sure what it means at this point. I am putting it out for you guys to see.
Nevermind check this out.
The President, by Executive Order 12334, dated 12/04/1981, established the President's Intelligence Oversight Board (PIOB). On 09/13/1993, by Executive Order 12863, the President renamed it the Intelligence Oversight Board (IOB) and established the Board as a standing committee of the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. Among its responsibilities, the IOB has been given authority to review the FBI's practices and procedures relating to foreign intelligence and foreign counterintelligence collection.
(U) Section 2.4 of Executive Order 12863 mandates that Inspectors General and General Counsel of the Intelligence Community components (in the FBI, the Assistant Director, Inspection Division (INSD), and the General Counsel, Office of the General Counsel (OGC), respectively) report to the IOB intelligence activities that they have reason to believe may be unlawful or contrary to Executive Order or Presidential Directive. This language has been interpreted to mandate the reporting of any violation of a provision of The Attorney General's Guidelines for FBI National Security Investigations and Foreign Intelligence Collection (NSIG), effective 10/31/2003, or other guidelines or regulations approved by the Attorney General in accordance with EO 12333, dated 12/04/1981, if such provision was designed to ensure the protection of individual rights. Violations of provisions that merely are administrative in nature and not deemed to have been designed to ensure the protection of individual rights are generally not reported to the IOB. The FBI Inspection Division is required, however, to maintain records of such administrative violations for three years so that the Counsel to the IOB may review them upon request. The determination as to whether a matter is "administrative in nature" must be made by OGC. Therefore, such administrative violations must be reported as potential IOB matters.
(^ NSLs are a specific type of investigative tool that allows the FBI to obtain certain limited types of informationwithoutcourtintervention: (1)telephoneand email communication records from telephone companies and internet service providers (Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2709); (2) records of financial institutions
(which is very broadly defined) (Right to Financial Privacy Act, 12 U.S.C.§ 3414(a)(5)(A)); (3) a list of financial
institutions and consumer identifying information from a credit reporting company (Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C.§§ 1681u(a) and (b)); and (4) full credit report in an international terrorism case (Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681v). NSLs may be issued in conformity with statutory requirements, including 18 U.S.C. § 2709.
Has Trump been sending us these in his tweets??
No shit, that is what I got when I searched those letters as I put them in basically google (I used duck duck go)..