No, HRC is the one unique person who must be publicly tried, executed, put on display, then dismembered and burned. Otherwise, many anons will never believe/trust Q or anybody ever again.
First, I've filled the planes, it's just potable water, if something nefarious is added, it's done 'in situ' or previous contamination from a prior spray. Never thought/worried about it till I retired and started seeing all the pushback on 'chemtrails/vapor deposition' or whatever you prefer to call them online and in the news.
Second, vapor deposition is 'puffy' because it's just water pumped via a 'diaphragmatic' pump, just enough pressure to ensure a nice even mist, which can be seen from the ground w/a telescope. Also, you can visually watch the aircraft turn off the spray, come around, line up and turn it back on each pass. Just look up, it happens overhead daily. I live near a military base where we do this and they train newer pilots in the basics of just laying down straight lines.
Contrails, are hot exhaust gas, ejected at nearly half the speed of sound, at a high frequency, which is why it has a smooth continuous, uniform appearance. As the temperature coefficient stabilizes, it visually dissipates exactly as when you exhale your hot breath on a cold day.
This frequency is also why different engines can't just run at any power setting. Have you ever noticed, jets are either near idle, 50-60% or balls to the wall? It's because, every manufacturer is different, however they all have slave to their respective resonant frequencies. Ignoring this will destroy an engine, if you let the throttle linger at a specific setting to long. In fact, when you do a 'vibe' check, we intentionally stray into the 78ish% power range, to induce unwanted 'vibes'. Once the vibe is literally felt, we trigger the computer to run a brief test, then idle down while it calculates the engines overall performance/balance. If it's good, we celebrate, if not, sucks to be a JET troop.
There is truth to 'anything' being released into the atmosphere, may contribute to cloud formation but what you've posted is a completely different science and unrelated.