The Central Intelligence Agency's Fentanyl Supply Chain has been cut so there is a few dozen million dopesick citizens out there.
Disclose and Close there Central Intelligence Agency, the brand is GOING, GOING, GONE.
Never to be trusted or dealt with by ANYONE EVEE AGAIN
Any Central Intelligence Agency Operator willing to engage the poster of this song directly is more than welcome, but being a worthless drug dealing pedophile, suicide is more likely
Be outside the house in 5
The Central Intelligence Agency Agent wakes up, looks at his Email and then goes for a one way walk in the woods.
How many children will be raped today because the Central Intelligence Agency STILL EXISTS?!?!
10-12,000? 100,000?
Disclose and Close TODAY
What has the Central Intelligence Agency done to benefit the United States of America?
Would the United States of America be better off of the Central Intelligence Agency NEVER existed?
Under what circumstances would the continued existence of the Central Intelligence Agency benefit the United States of America?
Expose the Central Intelligence Agency and then close the Central Intelligence Agency, apologize to the world and show resolve by eliminating the Central Intelligence Agency, what choice is there?