The police man or officer saw the tag on my wrist that is did it take off he had a body camera on so on to which he stated so on oh he just got out of the hospital so on to which he kept yelling at me so on and asking do I want to hurt myself to which I repeated what he said so on… and then he took me in on Christmas night and I spent 24 hours on a facility
For this now they have buses driving around with facility on it so on…
So this how the mob operates
So no Donald Trump is not in control these people are I would like to sue the police department over this here but they are mafia so on I believe so I being intimidate so I can’t make a report on this so on… my fathers house has cameras so I did nothing wrong so on for them to do this so on… the police officer had a body camera so on… I believe they are targeting our business now so on…
Most police are good not bad so on but this is how this is going