Insider Guide app: Instantly shows what politicians buy/sell so (You) too can make ezpz millions without risk. If they can make , you can also.
deploy mustard
have them leave without being caught by ice and they might have a chance to come in legally.
no exceptions
261 workable days not including weekends and federal holidays.
Plus he doesn't have to come in every day.
Plus POTUS can renew anytime.
Not too sure on my renewable claim.
Can always create a new cabinet position or Musk can play one off/one on for four years.
now do pan fried spicy hogshead cheese with pepperjack melted on top on toast
5 years in prison with a lifetime back in the closet
i've been schrooled
After a transgender dies and the bones are researched, the researchers will know it was a man or woman.
Only two genders.
Suscide Weekend coming 'soon'
it's all bluster from the left anyways
a call to lawfare and violence in the streets
all can be crushed
not looking good for the crooks
whoa hey hey hey slow down
oh oh oh
did you see me and mine in the back?
tailgater party on the back of the wagon
UK girl missing in Spain taken by Podesta bros?