Now I feel like shit for posting tits, especially after what I saw and said just before that. Had to have two files selected. Fuck.
Yep, sure enough. Those two files are side by side when sorted by date. Makes me realize I should pay more attention to potential unintentional multiple selections. Don't want to ever do that again. There's a reason why I don't have to post those kinds of pics anymore.
Maybe I should stop saving the pics then too I guess, right? KEK! Just realized that. Done and done.
Yeah. Pretty weak though, isn't it?
Devastates me if I post a pic of a naked woman because of respect for a woman I've never met. The fuck is wrong with me?
Interesting. Apparently Strzok deleted all the posts on his Twitter account.
Eat shit, Shirley. I don't expect you to understand what goes on in my head and senses.
Pretty sure looking is okay, she can't avoid looking either, but… seriously, man, seeing a set of tits pop up in one of my posts fucked me up for some reason that I can't really explain, just like being in a deep chasm of wrong. Fucked my own damn skull unintentionally I guess. I'll drop the subject now, I've pretty much turned it into a slide.
>eastern time zone
Mot if you set your clocks to EST and just keep a watch with local time.
Not really. This is what sitting in a trench laughing at buffoons in the other trench lobbing soft squishy nerf balls at you and yelling "grenade" looks like.
No, fromund cheese is the white crap under your foreskin if you don't wash your dick when you shower. The cheese from under (fromunda) your foreskin.
As is the little clown that likes to mimic other anons. Known as Tranimae, Loretta, Simple Legion, Angry Inch, among many names. They're busy trying to play both sides to create confusion.
>Your posts don't count nigger
Neither do yours, Simple Legion. You require copying how I meme to make yourself appear relevant, and to make you not feel like you're in second place, like you admitted for a year when you'd show up to bake with your Tranimae persona and rainbow banner. You'll never be me, you little deep state muppet, but by all means, continue showing everyone the actual behavior the divide and conquer narrative accused an entire ethnicity of for over half a decade here, but focused onto a single person. Dumbass.
Because they're throwing everything at the wall hoping for something to line up. Broken clocks are right twice a day and my guess is they're hoping to hit that. Became convinced it was a clown gimmick when they started trying to tie European MSM media tweet timestamps to Q drops or foreign military tweet timestamps to Q drops, and when called out on it and let the guy know I was filtering his shit, he IP hopped to force his visibility. The main guy that does it smells of the baker that namefags as HRN regularly.
KEK. The smoking frog replaced the merchant here. They better fire up some sockpuppets to post some so they can create some laughable plausible deniability that it's not them.
If you would have told me in 2018 that the paid posting retards would be imitating everything I do here in an admitted attempt to destroy me, as well as creating identities on other platforms based upon what I do here, I wouldn't have believed you. Now, 7 years later, I really don't even care that much. I just see what they're doing to me as a vector to expose them further and drag them further into the light. I'd imagine the fact that they can't destroy me is an insult to their self-esteem. Old guard retards rode hard and put away wet.
I remember when the clowns would just post merchants and retarded copypastas instead of imitating SP. Remember when you posted this in 2023 when you were in your psychotic demogogue phase of trying to destroy your target?
KEK. No persona of his gained any traction. Every one he used was ignored or despised, so he needs to copy someone else. He thinks I meme better than he does, otherwise he wouldn't copy everything I do and try to claim that he is me.
Yeah, and you run a good chunk of all those ID's, don't you? That's why you used to claim that I could never filter you in 2023.
Yeah, I refreshed earlier when I hit 750 and it went down to 400 something. BV's are taking out the trash. Hardest working people on this board, no doubt about it.
I've been here since early 2018, so yes. I never really paid attention to names back then though. It was all studying drops and the information they led to, and trying to learn comms and learning how to properly meme, and ignoring the shills at all costs and whatnot back then. Never really started paying attention to who was who until maybe 2019 or 2020 or so.
>Deletions deprive us of much of this.
I don't care if shills are deleted. I care for shill posts remaining on QR as much as I care for illegal migrants remaining in the country.
That's because you are, Tranimae you stupid sack of shit. You've already established that. Besides which, you're behaving like a tranny in a sort of way. Copying something and telling everyone you are what you copy.
They start no trends, they just try to hijack them.