something amoral prostitute?
they just call those people
'espionage agents'
what is it that is said:
a Gospel with out blood and the sacrifice of Jesus is . . . ? ? ?
not really the Gospel?
'idol worship'?
not even
but I get it, you free masons have to trash everything catholic or the demons yelp at you.
your tired talking points are often posted and the answers are given.
how many times do you post this tripe and you expect people to tell you why it's bunk.
your only purpose is to waste anon's time with your bunk.
and your 'love' is self righteous bigotry.
so much surety wrapped up in a smarmy self-righteousness tells a different story.
I have no idea if or if not you are a free mason, I admit it.
but as far as if you are 'good with Jesus'?
I wouldn't persume to know.
so why do you persume to know that about someone you have no idea about except for thin stuff from throw away posts?
sad you pretend to know the Gospel and ignore all His time in the Decapolous and in Syria, Tyre, and other places.
acting self-rightous seems non-repentant.
again, how can I know.
He knows.
Are you sure your bit about being 'right with the lord' and assuming others are not is actually pleasing to Him?
We are all sinners.
being washed clean is fine but your lack of humility might give a taint to that 'white as snow-ness'
are you really sure that this method of proslytizing is correct? or is it your ego just feeling pure.
feeling pure is just feeling.
I think it's sad how you are, wanting to waste people's time here with this.
as if other people here dont' study scripture too, and other people aren't 'save' like you claim to be.
It's unseemly to me that you do this.
I find it sad that you say you're saved but really seem to me to be kind-of-lost in an unhumble braggadocio about being saved.