Jennifer Garner reads a book called "Secret Pizza Party" to children at a "Save the Children" event (which is being investigated for child trafficking)
Do you think the pope ever gets a hankering for a diet soda and some giant Reese's Peanut Butter Cups?
Was there anything about F15s in the news lately?
When I was on the Hopi Reservation, some type of jet would fly over all the time. It would basically fly sideways? It was weird to watch, made me think it was actually a UFO, but I could hear after burners.
Do jets fly sideways? I've always wondered that because of what I saw but never asked anyone.
Like drifting sideways.
I wish I had video of it. Way before smartphones were around. Back in 2003 or 2004 time frame.
It was moving sideways for a long ways. I wonder if the AF tests new stuff over the Hopi Rez area? I saw a lot of weird shit in the sky there, orbs included.
Strzok testifying under oath that the entire 7th floor Brass at the FBI is guilty of sedition