Then they tew will become Russian, kek!
Since she appeared here a couple times, might as well call to her, kekkity kek!
Depends on who you fly with, kek!
Keek keek kek!
That is a common irresistible temptation for all of us. Hot and crazy correlates with fire pee hole, kek!
The irony of Kash being the "Q" confirmation to the Trump cabinet is dasting, kek!
Michael the archangel. If he comes to see you, it's gonna be a bad day for the whole community!
Anon opines
We as Christians often have a picture of Jesus or a cross. I don't as I have found confliction in doing so and also following the commandments.
You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.
This has caused many disagreements with other as with the truth of theSabbath. Open to anon opinions on the matter, o7!
Noice, kek!
I understand what Jesus said about that. I also know that God said keep it holy. Getting your cow out of a hole and flying rafters on the job are completely different scenarios too! I am not comfy profiting, but will help a neighbor or tend to a need. About the graven imagesโฆany thoughts there?
Praying to saints, Mary. Being forgiven by a priest. Eucharist, your works getting you there.
All false teachings
Catholicism is roman based pagan religion, opposite of the teachings of Christ. I pray all my Catholic brethren will see the light and see the truth (think mirror) of the false doctrine they have received. Spoken out of love fren.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Nobody gonna get to the Father except through Him!
Believe what you choose as will I. I'm just a messenger anon, no need for vitriol.
God oftentimes uses what was intended for evil to fulfill His own works. I honestly don't know and struggle with Elon. I like him and have reservations over his neuralink ideology as I see it as the removal of the soul of man, replaced with the mark of the dark one. I trust God's planโฆtrust the plan anon, the ending is not what we want-it is His will!
Literally the "sometimes you can't tell them, sometimes you must show thempart of the plan.
We are currently in Sodom and Gamora 2.0.
It comes down to having to have some faith tbh.
Sorry I am having trouble hear you crying moar cause you gayness is drowning it out, kek!
Seethe harder