Thank you.
Lotta Stupid Fuckin DeepState Alphabet Traitors should just fuckin end it now.
Seriously, why bother?
Question for those in the know,
What Level Clearance would an OSS officer have to have to attend the first Atomic Bomb test at Los Alamos?
Stupid Fuckin Central Intelligence Agency's PedoTard Network is vast, that Evil Outfit is to be shuddered and forgotten.
No shit, haven't seen one in like 5 minutes, up to Anon's ears in this horrible shit, seriously serious fuckin shit.
True story.
Better ask somebody
Globalist Construct 1.0 to help write WW2, kill off men who would rise up against BABYlonian Elites "rites" , millions of war orphans to feast, gather ze gold, war tech , bigger tunnels and all that mess down there, steal artifacts, etc, smash and grab pathway to world gov and whatever ridiculous Shit Circus they had planned fo Da Future
Shit is heavy
Every body wants to know what's in the Knox box, genius script work ftw.
Grab that weird little island on the way.
Leave Anon's Fish People alone gator breath.
Don't hurt yourself
What a dastardly thing to do to a species, did the BABYlonian CrapSnackers enslave us and waste our time and steal the gold?
Have to see what's left in the Knox Box, too bad nobody can go actually look right now
Like tonight, the lights work in there?
Have an airport to land a plane?
Anybody know anyone who can just go check and see? Know where the keys are?
Inverted and Perverted Inversionistas
If one took a bar of tungten and dipped in into molten gold would the gold stick?