Don't know, but once it transitions into a slide/spam for several days it gets the filter no matter how important the poster may think it is. Post it one, properly formatted, w/sauce. If nobody cares, wait, post another day or ask the baker if you feel it's 'so hot'. But he's spamming so, he can fuck off. Spammers fail to realize, 90% of the time, their super important shit was already in a notable but they're fuck tard lazy to look first. It's why most of us ignore them.
Sorry, nearly EVERYTHING being discussed lately is old, moldy, and I need my 'new, fresh, tasty' diggs or some epic 'happening' vs shills, slides and newbies.
Has this been changed or repealed;
"The Code of Laws United States of America, In force Dec 6, 1926";
Article XI, from the original "ARTICLES OF CONFEDERATION–1777",
"Canada acceding to this confederation, and joining in the measures of the United States, shall be admitted into, and entitled to all the advantages of the Union: but no other colony shall be admitted into the same, unless such admission be agreed to by nine States."
You will neither hear, nor see me and I don't miss, it offends me to waste ammo.
>"literal Lucifer worshippers"
Nope, Catholicism is structured/rigid, makes the military look like a clown show. Historically, it has been infiltrated but it wasn't till Vatican II that someone flipped the script, no more teaching about the 'synagogue of Satan', killed the Latin mass, reduced the structure, discipline, started turning towards humanism.
I know this because my mother was pen pals w/Pope Paul John II till her death and personal friends w/Cardinal Ratzinger aka Pope Benedict. Used to sit and argue w/him at the kitchen table, he didn't care for me. See, I was there when they explained the Catholic Church took some of the scrolls found and hid them because they didn't lead people to Christ. I postulated/speculated based off what was revealed, either all religion is mythology or it's all true, it can't be both based off what they found in the scrolls. He didn't like a child who could use logic/reason.
It's not far fetched at all, Cardinal Ratzinger investigated crimes against children, Anons here revealed the people doing the crime were called the 'Finders'. The last visit to our home was because the local Bishop had randomly put together a 'shore cleanup' of the river where they, gee golly, found the body of a witness, who was willing to testify against our Bishop but had gone missing. What are the odds?
The Pope, had Ratzinger connect w/my mother since she was 'in the know' and trust worthy and in the Bishop's Diocese. I didn't know why he was visiting till after her death when my sister ran straight to mom's 'hidden draw' and got the letters. She knew because mom had her put the 'certified mail' in the box and she could read the name/address. The person who physically found the body was a friend from high school, hence why I knew about the Bishop being involved.
Sorry, you don't have a childhood riddle w/KKK, Satanists and future Popes passing through, it was actually pretty shit. I also hugged Mother Theresa once but as always tell people, she had the weirdest smell (it was her dry cleaning) and as a child I found it repulsive.
There was no innuendo either, you should look that word up if you are going to use it in a sentence.
Current pope is self excommunicated 'if' you even accept that his papal appointment was legitimate in the first place. It's a 'big deal' top question the pope but it only matters when he speaks from the chair.