I'd rather filter a failure like you that tries telling people what to do. Seems like you clowns are going with the individual rather than the group yet again for your divide and conquer narrative, ya fuckin' muppet.
Filters reset? Saw something similar a week or two ago with the catalog. Load it up and only one bread would appear for the whole catalog, just one little box on the screen, with the title "Come bake with us." I just attribute that stuff to the back-end is being worked on and it's causing some funkiness on the front-end.
Sure, why not.
I mean, it's justโฆ it's weird. It's like a partial treatment with none of the acoutrements.
How convinced?
Fuck me dead, you better not be wearing any budgie smugglers.
That's enough pretend out of you, sparkless.
One day I won't have to be an asshole anymore. I look forward to that day. I thought I put that all away, never to be used again when I gave up drinking, and then I found this place and proved myself wrong.
Yep. I'm not the first man that's faced that dilemma and I sure as fuck won't be the last. Never thought I'd have to face that internal struggle again though. It's like, my current intenal turmoil can be summed up with a question: How can I be a decent person outside of this board if I'm an asshole here on this board?
It's easy to be an asshole. I'm good at it. Just struggling with wondering if I'll be able to put that away again when this is over like when I gave up drinking.
Yeah. Living and breathing this place all day every day for 7 years, the ripples that have occurred and how this board connects to outside of here made me realize tonight I need to start behaving here now like how I want to behave outside of here when this is done. I can't just sit by as these evil fucks run their bullshit on this board though. Seems I'm having one of those kind of nights. I'll figure it out, always do.
Inhibitions removed due to anonymity, like how drinking does, but with the clarity of being sober, unlike how drinking does. I know how to proceed now.