How many germans are getting meme-raided today?
that meme is illegal sir. You are coming with us. kicks
German Anti-meme Squad Reporting in!
>When you leave your meme and newfags pick it up
This is how german memers are treated by the police today. (Actual footage of of a real german arrest in germany)
RIP all the fallen german maymay artists. It is all lost. Hope is lost.
No its a german in modern day germany seeing one of his german brothers arrested by the Meme Squad.
That one will give you 6 months in German Diversity Training Facility (DTF).
Do you want Rajeeta to twist your ear again?
Germans are posting Assault Memes from their homes.
Pic related.
One of the common normal nazi homes of the Memetic Offenders (MO).
Unfortunately the offender used his browser in incognito and Rajeeta was not able to track down the suspect in time!
Can we have a moment of silence for all the fallen Memetic warriors of Germania?
Delete all your memes! Clean your browser! Wash your dick!
So how do we share memes now? Using letters IRL?
should we intensify german memes just for keks?
Are memes still legal in USA?
Are you sure? They might demand meme license..
Just look how they banned guns. If they can ban guns they can ban memes. What if you accidentally have some memes on your phone when traveling to europe? Is it meme-safe?
What is a reasonable jailtime for a good meme in germany, anyone knows?
Will USA extradite those that post memes?
Only cat memes are allowed in germany now. Sauce is criminalized too.
How we treat those that post digs without sauce.
Imagine sitting next to a killer in prison and telling him you went to jail because of dank paypays kek
Two years in prison for that post. Enjoy visiting germany next time.
media is crickets.
By the way, is that tweet legal? Do we have any Meme Law Attorneys here?
I thought worshipping alien hoes was state enforced? Is it legal to quote the bible? Isn't that an incel terror manual?
Enjoy meme jail. Not even kidding.
Anyone else getting this in their youtube feed? I don't even watch this dude.
He just released a scathing exposรฉ on Elon Musk & DOGE, where he talks about how insecure everyone's personal data really is. All in all, pretty ghey if you ask me.
that hat might be a little too big for her
It would be fun to see an interview with one of those that got jailtime for memes kek
Looking at the news. And it seems more like they sent him to diversity training so he wouldn't become a nazi.
Is it pro white to spread white semen all over the world?
I'm willing to bet that none of them will send their children to the minefield meat grinder.
So are americans allowed to shitpost or not? I'm getting mixed signals here.
Why do leftists hate humans so much? And why do they hate their own families?