>if you post wrong pepe's you get deported. Simple as that.
Which gives anon an idea…Whatif?, "lower eduction level" / "imports" were "encouraged" to post pepe pics, & get sent home, wondering why? just an idea…prob wouldn't work …but mights?
>if you post wrong pepe's you get deported. Simple as that.
Which gives anon an idea…Whatif?, "lower eduction level" / "imports" were "encouraged" to post pepe pics, & get sent home, wondering why? just an idea…prob wouldn't work …but mights?
>or bake a new bread
to be sorta bit moar precice…dis anin't exactly a "bread" per ce, BUT an anon took it upon they self to 'ave a go….when nobody else did, round applace "apprentce baker?
Neat trick, Ianon saw ya dun there, nice jobbie. Have a cookie.
Like just pondering over a coffe, like how da f'ck far does this go? I meanz on one hand, there are "memes" and there are "meme", only good'uns get locked up for? or all meeme? what if didn't crate it? just fwd'ded it? whst if EVERYBODY dun it? free B&B on Chucky?