Anonymous ID: 4e3568 Feb. 17, 2025, 3:38 a.m. No.22599122   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dear Mr. President Donald J. Trump,


It's payback time. It has come to our attention that Germany and England are coming after memers. Please use your maximum ability to FUCK Germany and England in ways that they could never imagine and let them know you are doing it because they are going after the memers. Tariff them with all the power of your might! Please fine them $17 Trillion dollars each and make sure they know it's because they are going after memers. We want to see their faces when you announce this so that we can MEME THEM INTO OBLIVION! If you can do that, it will go down in meme history for ever! We may even create a holiday on that day, in recognition of Trump Frees the Memers Day! And let us see them cry about it! We are grateful for all that you're doing, thank you. Oh, and please give the death penalty to ALL enemies of America, foreign and domestic, and live-stream their executions on a site dedicated to executions. Lastly, for prisoners who are given life sentences and not given the death penalty, please have a 24 hour live-stream so that we can watch them in their cells, and please give us a microphone so that we can troll them in their cells in real-time, while they're in GITMO.


Thank you for your consideration,


Pepe, memeber of humanity, internet

Anonymous ID: 4e3568 Feb. 17, 2025, 3:50 a.m. No.22599136   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>We need a National Reclaim the Rainbow Day






"It's Gonna Rain"


I tell you it's gonna rain it's gonna rain

you better get ready and bear this in mind

God showed Noah the rainbow sign it won't be water but fire the next time.


Way back in the bible days

Noah told the people it's gonna rain but when he told them they paid him no mind and when it happened they were left behind


I tell you it's gonna rain it's gonna rain

lord you better get ready and bear this in mind

God show Noah the rainbow sign it won't be water but fire the next time.


Listen they tell me when the water begin to pour they knock on the window they knocked on the door

they didn't know exactly what to do You don't want this to happen to you


I tell you it's gonna rain it's gonna rain

lord you better get ready and bear this in mind

God showed Noah the rainbow sign it won't be water but fire the next time


Noah said I'm sorry my friend

God's got the key you can't get in if something don't happen to the hearts of man the same thing is gonna happen again


I tell you it's gonna rain it's gonna rain you better get ready and bear this in mind

God showed Noah the rainbow sign it won't be water but fire the next time


Noah told the people in plenty of time but they were to simple and they were to blind and when it came that awful day

they tried to pray but their prayer was to late


I tell you it's gonna rain it's gonna rain lord

you better get ready and bear this in mind

God showed Noah the rainbow sign


Charles Johnson