I like how you see the heavy shill personas that posted for half a decade disappear and the shills imitate SP while still showing the regular tells from their previous preferred personas. Like MuhGuhGaytriot, that flipflopping generic retard who couldn't make a good meme if his life depended on it, his filenaming pattern is in use by Simple Legion now. The announcement of his presence when it shows up in bread is exactly like how Tranimae announced his presence when he showed up to bake, different words, but the sentence template is the same. They went from professionals when they were assigned here to washed-up hacks as time went on. Pretty sad.
Either the shills are having a tantrum and trying to DDoS again or something on the server is being worked on would be my guess.
Oh no, not government paid thugs after you for what you say online. What will they do? Imitate you or something?
Quiet, clown. Funny how you use MuhGuhGaytriot filenaming patterns now. You still make generic repetitive shit. No wonder why you have to try stealing everything you can from one person.
I don't remember anyone electing this guy to dictate foreign policy.
That fat fuck thinks he has weight to throw around. The only weight he has to throw around is his fluffy wife.
I'd say so. That's not his role. I've always found congress running to other countries to negotiate odd too. How are they representing their constituents by having meetings with globalists in Europe?
Taking the USAID scam into consideration with what you just said… Hmm… I don't think you're wrong, anon. Damn. Never looked at it like that before. Democrat constituents are not the citizens of their country, or even the illegal migrants, but the people who they're giving the money to all over the world.
Who cares? That faggot got scared during POTUS Trump's first term and moved to Greece where pedophilia is only considered a disability.
Strzok was upper echelon of the FIB. Deputy assistant of counterintel or some shit. Led the Crossfire Hurricane shit too IIRC. Real piece of traitorous work that one. He's walking human garbage.
Smells like 3 6 9 time.
The fuck you on about, fluffy? Forget to take your hormones this morning or something?
>I haz likes SP lots
The funniest thing has been watching the shills try telling me that I'm not allowed to post the way I do as they imitating everything I do.
Cleaned the spam though, didn't it? As superficial of a cleaning as their superficial personas. They focus on the individual more than the group now. Want to know what that feels like, all that focus?
KEK. In a way, having the shills run around imitating me, using their interpretation of my "image" is kind of like having my own little autonomous retarded action figures. How 'bout them apples?
I'll tell you why I think things worked out the way they did here for me, shills. I mean I'm no better or special than any other anon here putting in the time. But I am being honest and sincere. I'm not trying to obfuscate or deceive. though I did dabble a bit of misinformation during my experimentation phase as I was coming to understand this, my reasons for that is I took that Q post as not just an admission but permission as well. That's all you clowns do though. You should try being honest for a change and create or earn something rather than trying to steal something off the backs of others for your own gain and profit, because, uh, it really does work better than your methods. Look at all you're throwing at one person, now imagine if you were able to weather the same. Don't just be best, be honest too.
Okay, I feel better now. Canadians booed the national anthem and lost the game 3-1.
You know, one way I cope with realizing the asshole I was to certain good people at Fox: Perhaps the heat I gave them kept deep state scrutiny off them during that time. Naive and foolish way to cope, but that's what I do. I was an unnecessary asshole to some of them.