by 'our people' he betrays that the slaver slave relationship, that was the hallmark of what came out of Ukraine for centuries, still exists.
He's of the 'master' class and 'his people' are the slaves (Slavs).
I just wish it were over.
the time for this mindset should have ended two hundred years ago.
they'd do the same thing in America, they DO do the same thing in America!
Ukrainigrachs thought that they'd 'have it all'.
just one more war, just one more war, like junkies.
"do you know who I am"
"Do as I say"
"OUR Democracy" (OUR PRECIOUS).
an over classs of gollums addicted to human sacrifice and constant warfare.
"Just one more war. Just one more war. I'm not a cocaine addict, I just like the way it smells."