How do you program / brainwash a human…. There are many techniques, but subliminally is the primary one.
Repetition is the other technique that gets through to everyone.
Anons I will just post this once, and I’m sure this will get deleted based on what I’ve observed in the breads so far.
How does mainstream media program people?
Mocking bird media?
Repetition, subliminal programming of words.
How do they get you to buy their products in commercials repetition repetition repetition , subliminal programming of words. Gingles and songs.
How do they program you in Here at the kun?
Anything identifiable, memorable repetitive or subliminal …. programming with words.
Pay attention your brain is everything in this grit world. no matter how tough and smart you think you are it you are very susceptible, and gullible subconsciously. Your subconscious mind is so powerful it remembers so much more than your conscious mind. It’s incredible actually. But your greatest vulnerability when it comes to programming.
Name Fags, repetitive memes words, and content that are identifiable, repetitive are subliminal, programming. They want to Make you believe you’re on the same “side” an issue.
Faction versus faction
As soon as you pick a side you have already lost the game because you’re still playing their game. In their context. They don’t care which side you pick as long as you’re still picking a side. Still locked in invisible prison playing their game.
Notice how you only have two options in life ….usually right or left.
Black vs white
Red vs blue
iPhone versus android
Republican versus democrat
Why do you only get two options?
You are free! do not play their game.
Report block filter anything repetitive identifiable because it contains subliminal programming. regardless how tough and smart you think you are it still gets through to your subconscious.
Brainwashing runs deep in our world and it’s been going on since the day you were born. (they are extremely good at it )
Look into the faction you’ve already chose. Regardless of how good do you think that faction is you’re still in the faction game. Life is nothing like that. It’s more of a spectrum.. a lot of gray area.
Realize how and where you sit within the spectrum and you realize that you’re not simply one or the other. We are all much more than you currently realize.
We are one in the mass consciousness.
Figure it out resist the all the programming…. carry-on with your digs and enjoy the show because regardless it will come to surface. Always save a little room in your beliefs, that you may have it all wrong. Never believe anything 100%. Because there’s a lot more to this world meets the eye.
Everything will be revealed
EVERYTHING!…. we have it ALL