Anonymous ID: 980eac Feb. 18, 2025, 11:02 a.m. No.22607238   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7246

I got this thing running 1100 celsius, need 1500 celsius. Any ideas? Filled it with charcoal, cover the chimney, add something to it?

Anonymous ID: 980eac Feb. 18, 2025, 11:40 a.m. No.22607423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7440 >>7460 >>7493



Fair Enough.

I don't but I've put out two acetylene tank fires with my bare hands, three house fires at least with bottled beverages and sink water. And

I've literally gone up in Flames kinda Abraham

Abendigo style twice recently


Should be fine.


Also, accidentally purposely dissolving a lot of gold right now. Filled a pyrex with the gold

Silverslag and 30% sulfuric acid, asked God

If I should add 35% h202 and He said yeah

Than helped me measure out the portion


Noticed it forming aqua regia a couple minutes later. Wasnt what I thought we

Were making


What am I gonna do with Sulfuric Aqua Regia

Anonymous ID: 980eac Feb. 18, 2025, 11:49 a.m. No.22607501   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7520


Ahem, Anon. I Was compelled by the heat

Of the oven and the length of the tongs to

Acquire your treasured gloves


Also, that pic was funny. I got stuck in an

Air BnB with no help or transportation mad

Injured and started washing my only clothes

2 hours b4 checkout, which took like 6 hours

To dry for some reason. So I had to be naked

And stranded all day.


Which reminds me. I was smoking the weed

They dug up from the tomb in the dead sea

That the Shroud of Turin was found in, Gods

Hands, and I forgot to smoke the rest of it


That's important.

Anonymous ID: 980eac Feb. 18, 2025, 12:01 p.m. No.22607571   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And I solved the Thomas J Beale Cyphers they based National Treasure off of at least 6 times once using our CBTS thread names as

A key to post the Memo which literally blew

Up the Nation with 1000 Qproofs in a Single

Series of Threads where I also posted the

Biblical Decode in full otherwise the book

That sais on the First Page This Is Israels

Portion which Moses divided from the years

That He and the men warned up unto the LORD and I Am to Bless you wherewithal He

Has blessed me out of my walls and my Flock

And my Winepress


As stated in the Only Page they previously

Cracked of the Cypher using the Constitution

As the Key


I have 300,000 lbs of gold and silver

The hearthstone of our warchest


My Credentials Are Biblical.

My Credentials Are Q.

I showed you who Q Is.

Hollow O


The Arm of the LORD /


Long Story as always.


I will get where I Am Taking Us no matter what. United Untied, Divided you pose no

Threat to their system of control. I Might Not

Need Help. I could use it. The Wise Man will

Win Souls, if he's wise enough even his enemies

Will fight for him.


I can see you all.

I've lead declass from the tip of the Spear

Since it began. It's Des Class. GO D


No Coincidences. None.

Everything Has Double Meaning. Everything.


The PunIsHer


Declassified = End


The mystery of God is finished in the days of the Voice of the 7th Angel. The Holy Ghost

Reveals All.

Anonymous ID: 980eac Feb. 18, 2025, 12:06 p.m. No.22607600   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I Bear the Wounds of Our Lord and Savior in Our Flesh, bother me not.


Help Me Anon.


I Know Everything, and I don't

Have the classification issue of

Speaking in Parables.

Anonymous ID: 980eac Feb. 18, 2025, 12:09 p.m. No.22607625   🗄️.is 🔗kun


3 days b4 the planets align with 1 more planet than they had in 2017 during the

Great Sign, when Virgo wound up in a 4

Planet alignment with the Sun as her dress

And the moon beneath her feet (the virgin)

And the 12 stars of Leo above her head.