>only site rules are that speech be legal
why has this anon's posts been deleted
when speaking about Q's 'SKY EVENT'?
>only site rules are that speech be legal
why has this anon's posts been deleted
when speaking about Q's 'SKY EVENT'?
>only site rules are that speech be legal
recognizing that this is a fully comped clown board, anon would still expect your words to be truthful
having been here since the inception of QR on the Kun, anon is quite familiar with all the board actors and personas
along with the shills who want to destroy this place
it's sad when truthful posts by actual anons are deleted
>Because 8's a free speech board, only site rules are that speech be legal
anon posted a truthful, non-shilling thread over the weekend which was deleted
yes, and this anon made a thread over the weekend which was promptly deleted
posted Sunday, February 16
what was the violation with this thread posted on Sunday and promptly deleted?
Mitch is a lowlife imbecile with a personality disorder
anon has been here from the beginning
thousands of notables
been an upstanding anon
never abusive, even to the tiresome personas
certainly no shill
there was no violation
it's just sad to see the devolution of this place
for all the hours and effort
of real anons who have withstood the circle-jerk clowns and shills for years
it's untenable