So now the global Marxist theft and fraud is all exposed can we arrest the thieving scum or are they above the law unlike the many LAW abiding citizens?
Asking for alot of pissed off frens Q?
So now the global Marxist theft and fraud is all exposed can we arrest the thieving scum or are they above the law unlike the many LAW abiding citizens?
Asking for alot of pissed off frens Q?
WTF are you babbling you little mentally ill bitch?
Which gamergate faggot shill N Grifter are you?
Times running out for you and we are coming for you all or KYS.
What's your youtube channel shit for brains or do I have to hunt you?
Ai reply bot Ignore.
How about I slap you around the face with my fat cock for sauce you deranged dipshit?