"sons of satan"
is not a metaphor
two bloodlines came out of
The Garden
i feel them
i describe them as a black hole
like theres nothing there
pure darkness
they will draw you in
IF you let them
one more marijuanas induced
philosophical thought
youre filtered
no one remembers the 4 building
*the 4th building
can doge
put a stop to israels free living
and free college
on our dime
judgemental < discernment
everyone liked the guy that dropped
$200 a night
at the sports bar in the 90s
while having $600 on the
monday night game
i hear ya
you fuckin idiot
in '96 anon got stitches in his elbow
taking a guy into custody
over 60 rocks of crack
(he got more stitches)
about 15 years later
i had a growth that kept getting bigger
same elbow near the scar
it was uglyโฆdidnt like it
anon got buzzed, sterilized a razor blade
and cross sliced it and squeezed
out came a little pulsating metallic thing
i took a magnet to it and it stuck
my wife watched the whole thing
she saw me pull my own tooth once
after a week my elbow was back to normal
after a tear of being self conscious of it
those fuckin bastards
had to have been at the hospital
year not tear
neither does he