Holy fuck baker
>>22609546 lb
When the Eurofags start WW3 for liddle Hitler, stand down. Its a treaty organization, not a suicide pact. Sic semper tyrannis.
>#OTD in 1966, the casket used to carry the body of John F. Kennedy from Dallas to Washington was buried at sea.
It was soaked with Tippet's DNA.
Smoking gun
In paragraphs 17-19 The Pope excommunicated all people living in republican forms of government not paying tribute to the Pope, basically negating the Monroe Doctrine and the inconvenience it was causing his theives. To my knowledge it has not been recinded. Treason to a church is still Treason.
I'll trade my check for a spot on the firing squad, until I get a confirmed kill & a memorial photo.
Ignorance is why people don't care what real history is.
Fuck this "courteous and dignified processing". Just drop the invaders off at the end of the runway. Thats how they were delivered.
SOUnds like lymph node cancer
If they told me I needed a mask I went somewhere else and I never went back.
Arrest her for treason. That's it.
Rape, kill and feed you to your neighbor for kicks.
Round them all up. Governors work together. If some states are getting sued, they all know. Governor is responsible.
He grew up in the mob. He was a mob pimp. What did you expect?
The House of Lords Conned Carter Into Paying Their Tab Doctrine.
Brzezinski was a homicidal Hun clown spy, just like Zelenski. He should have been lobotomized.
Request a change of venue due to prejudice from the last lawfare case