Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 7:28 p.m. No.22610078   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0097 >>0103 >>0197 >>0299

>>22609833 lb

never left.

thinking about the muh jews and why they would defend NAZIism.

Seems simple?

I want to deconstruct their notion that Israel was one hundred percent responsible for Sept. 11th attack, by themselves.


For one: how would Israel order a stand down of the US military air defense?.

How would Israel dustily the Towers?

How would they bring military teams the night before to set-up?

there's many other points of weakness in their argument.


I found out the fallacy is based upon their perception of the character of Jews (they blanket them all under one title; even when they are personal friends to many Jews, So the Jew hate is like somewhat abstract - even though they do see some friends, who ae Jewish, through the prism of their attitude to Jews as a group. )

It's a real racism) As long as their friends are anti-Zionist, well that's acceptable.

They deny Jews were ever persecuted, Though it's obvious and documented they were persecuted by Christians and the Roman Church.

They really believe the U.S. government could not have done the 9/11 attack, even though knowing that same government used the attack as a pretense to kill millions and send millions of our own to their own death.

How does fighting in the Middle East against synthetic "terror" groups actually help Jews in Israel? anyway? It doesn't.

It 's for war hawk;s money making machines.


They fail to understand that Israel is an outpost of the NWO and it's geographical position was not chosen because its actually the site of ancient Judea, but for military strategic reasons, by the NWO and t he British Zionists.

So it's not "the Jews" but NWO - which is run by people who stay in the background and use individual Jews as their front men / cover. As well, fund the massive Jew hate Propaganda on-line and through many other vectors.

Will be interesting to see:

When the corrupt money dries up, will the Jew haters leave /disappear?

Just like Chem Trails?

When the money's gone, the Chemtrail grow fainter?

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 7:32 p.m. No.22610103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0141



oh right, the JewHaters also think the only reason ffor the killing of JFK was because he blocked a nuclear capability from Israel,

that's not the only reason he was got rid of.

But the blindered MuhJews have to have their narrow vision, rule.

'It's always about Isreal and Jews"


Everything is.

It' s a real obsession. Very scary

How is that programmed?

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 7:45 p.m. No.22610187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0213 >>0589


There was the art projects on the specific floors where the explosions took place..

Several projects allowed in.

The ordinance on the ground floors was probably placed the night before.

That was Easter Egg to distract and to confuse researchers. Give them a chew toy.

"How come no one talks about the bombs going off on the lower floors" kind of thing.

And never came out in the bogus commission report. it was To chew over.

That was never enough for what was shown and what was recorded to have happened.

The Security chief was Bush family member.

Some said, you could never get the military to do that, but forget military are trained to just follow orders and to not ask questions.

That's how Barry got away with all the BS he did, getting our troops to fight against USA. He did it right in the open, apparently, too.


another point: How did untrained pilots who never flew a passanger aircraft and were not fully trained, hit the target, which was very narrow.

Also how did they navigate with the transponders turned off?

How did they turn off the transponder?

They had, so the story goes, not finished their training on small aircraft.

How was the Commission and everybody able to cover up all the glaring inconsistencies?

Seems the NWO has been planning on wiping out Isreal in a third world war for a very long time.

That's why the alleged hijackers had to be Arab?

"They hate our freedoms"

was the reason given - which seems cartoon-ish and implausible

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 8:03 p.m. No.22610259   🗄️.is 🔗kun


no, I know we've been infiltrated.

sorry I wasn't clear.

my point was that it was the US government sponsoring it; Like the DoD did plandemic.

It's not "the Jews"

The devils are in our own house.

Sorry if I wasn't clear.

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 8:15 p.m. No.22610330   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0356


It never happened.

Maybe was mean to be worse and were were protected?

The antrax attack was certainly a dud. Much that could've happened, dint' happen

It was an occult free-masonic adjacent event / ritual.

Human sacrifice.

Their snuff movie.

I think there's families of Luciferians involved.

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 8:35 p.m. No.22610446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0481


They are abstract because they never happened.

May be some of the crazy plans did, but I doubt it.

It was just a cover for stealing them money

Maybe they thought it was funny and they'd never be caught?

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 8:46 p.m. No.22610494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0524


but the site itself was contaminated because of the method of the Tower's destruction.

There was no need to plant the dust in people's shoes

The dust was everywhere.

Everything turned to dust

The total, every desk.. every toilet. list everything. All to dust in about 10 seconds/ many fifteen.

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 9:24 p.m. No.22610644   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0647 >>0651 >>0670 >>0672


thermite didn't do it

it was there as a distraction

and promoted by the clowns who ran the official "9/11 truthers" movement

They showed one corner that looked like thermite / thermate and molten metal.

There was no "pancake collapse" , No need for one.

The whole Towers turned to dust in 1- - 15 seconds. There was no "collapse" Use your eyes.

Thermite / Thermate would fail to do what was shown.

Material shoots UP like a roman candle.

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 9:30 p.m. No.22610665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0678 >>0679


one proof of the falsity of the "pancake collapse" 'Thermate / Thermite" theory is the space under the towers was not crushed.

The image of the mall underneath still viable.

There had to be force enough, and time enough for the weight of the top section to crushc what was below it.

Weaking the beams with thermite would fail to cause the building to crush itself into the ground. Or shoot materail up into the sky.

Or grind the entire Tower to dust.

The people brainwashed by the "Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth" are as thick as TDS victims.




fake and gay

Why did the destruction start at the top then?

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 9:42 p.m. No.22610698   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The underground was not damaged.

the Russian officer who brought forth the whole nuke theorty was not a scientist nor an engineer.

if you read his report, you would laugh.

They claim that hole was where the nuke was, But it could easily have been created earlier.

Also, no plausible explanation of how the nuke reached the top of the tower's first, etc. etc.

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 9:52 p.m. No.22610737   🗄️.is 🔗kun


can you prove it?

or is it just your say-so.

Lots of people say lots of things.

"I was there"

believe me, there's lot of planted liars.

I spoke to people who worked there.


Nobody said the ground was hot.

thousands of liars were paid to lie about his event.

Prove it if you can.

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 10 p.m. No.22610757   🗄️.is 🔗kun


it was even on TV,

The explosions are no secret.

They were "easter eggs" meant to be found.

Ibld 7 was rigged before hand.

for security.

Contained a lot of important docs.

It was pre-rigged. Top secret docs that nobody wanted "terrorists" to get ahold of. Or to be insecure.

The Silverstein "pull it " was on purpose.

It proves that he ordered the building to be demolished. And he was the leaseholder.

So where is the conspiracy?


bld 7 was obviously a controlled demo.

The commission and news had to lie about it because "Classified"

The building was a government bld. Included the bunker for Giuliani.

bld 7 was never evidence.

it was a red herring pushed by the fake 9/11 Truth movement.

NIST said it came down because of fire. They were lying as they lied about many things.

Anonymous ID: cc0660 Feb. 18, 2025, 10:15 p.m. No.22610795   🗄️.is 🔗kun


nuke doesn' t explain the toasted cars or other effects.


The material deformations are inconsistent with a nuke.

I have to study more but there were apparently magnetic effects which were recorded.

Its a pretty interesting study.

I recommend Dr . Judy Wood's book on it. It's very detailed and exhaustive .She did a good job, I have to say.

Cars caught on fire.. insides first.

A lot of exotic effects.

Dust that continued through time to break down to very small nano size particle.

