My question then is if the language has a quirk that makes younger people seem old does it also have a quirk that makes a payment of 1000 dollars into a payment of 10,000 dollars?
the government says 'you can't use this it's obsolete' but only to consumers.
not to the financial overlords.
Cobal was a language that the banks used.
They coded the stuff and it was on punch cards.
They still use it because they don't want to pay people to write new code.
why can't the government say 'this language is crap, don't use it anymore'?
seriously why does this matter?
it's a 'Rock Opera'
they choose someone who is contriversial because it's not about art it's about 'moving the culture'.
Christians will ignore it.
most people will ignore it.
It will have a limited run.
Or the music will be awesome and people will sing along.
do you think that the people who were in the original productions of it were all holy, chaste, and pius?
They were London based rock-n-rollers.
many of them probably knew Jimmy Saville.
Many of them probably had substance abuse problems, were promiscuous, and other sinful things as habits, like lack of humility.
who cares. It's a show that will be put on and if people don't like it the investors will get a tax right off, which is the main purpose of such shows so it seems to many.
they use the term 'concerns'.
Others would say it like this:
"There are hopes that the . . . "