Now comes the pain.
Many are probably heading for the "lifeboats."
Yeah, I did too, I even made a post about it.
Now the reeeeeing will REALLY ramp up.
And this is just the pre-game warm-up. Imagine what lies ahead.
Some of them have to make it look like they are doing their, "jobs" for their real masters, which are NOT the American people.
It's already worthless.
To all real anons and patriots.
A tale of two countries.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was a time of turmoil as the corrupt elements of a compromised country, were routed out and banished to the dark abyss that they loved so much, yet those who loved the light, celebrated as the evil was cast out into the darkness, and light returned to the nation.
KEK. The last 250 years? How long we been here? Schiff IS the worst congressional criminal in all of our history apparently.
Oh I dunno, maybe things like laptops, video tapes, things like that.
Concur. Those memes have been around a long time. The anon who made those made some pretty good ones.
I think shitty has been under the microscope for some time. Wheels go slow theme.
That's what your mom said when you were born.
Time can be a cruel mistress.
I think he might very well "hang around" at some point.