mitch's state funeral will happen before easter.
Evenin' frens. Any Kash Swearing-in tonight?
hey thanks! i stolt it off the interwebs since mine is so shriveled and tiny now. 57 yo, on my 3rd wife, no desire to even jack off. but my woman makes good sammies and keeps my clothes and the house clean and she ain't horny no more either so we're just livin' life day-by-day.
where can i watch this supposed hockey game tonight??
REMINDER FOR TEXANS: Dan Crenshaw is a Goddamn, mother-fucking, arrogant-ass, cock-sucking, piece-of-shit RINO who will end up offing himself due to the obvious untreated PTSD he carries with him every time he speaks…like Robert Conrad daring us to knock that fucking battery off his shoulder.
Long Dan Silver is unstable and needs to go away.