where the fuck is kash with those epstine files he promiesed ON DAY ONE!
this is what im gonna do but im gonna yolo on a few cryto meme coins.
i did the same with that covid stimulus and threw it all on crypto at the time, made out like a bandit
these guys will be fine. do you not think they made plans to account for Trumps presidency?
there is a reason why they are always 2 steps ahead. they plan for every sinario to protect their fourtunes. they may have taken a hit in the usa, but they still have their claws deep in europe, making sure europe never did what the usa did and free themseves from them
wrong, x isnt real life. the worse thing elon could have done was to pay these CONservatice infulences to post
3/4th the country doenst even use X. tik and instagram are still king for the majoirty of the nation
humble yourslef, x isnt as big as you think it is. its just a elon circlejerk where everyone is sucking off elon.