Justice is coming.
The bad thing (for us good guise) is that slowly but surely, over time, [THEY] quietly centralized nearly every facet of our government and our society, thereby making it much easier for [THEM] to control and destroy our loved ones, our way of life, The American Dream, and us.
But the bad thing (for [THEM]) is that we dug deep and investigated, using [THEIR] own tools and words against [THEM], so we found the loose end of the yarn that [THEY] used to wrap around our necks and choke the life out of our loved ones and us.
All it will take is one quick, strong tug on that piece of yard, and the entire ball will unravel for [THEM], leading to [THEIR] utter and permanent destruction.
[THEIR] centralized system, while convenient for [THEM], means it's very, very easy for us to expose [THEM] and destroy [THEM].
It's only a matter of time before it is all exposed.
We know that [THEY] know that we know.
I see it in [THEM], wearing the stress like a ratty bathrobe; [THEY] are going to hell, physically, in both [THEIR] state of health and [THEIR] appearances.
As the walls close in [THEY] got fatter, redder in the face, moar bloated, and moar frazzled than ever.
No matter how much money [THEY] accumulated at our expense, [THEY] now appear utterly incapable of appearing healthy or taking care of [THEM]selves.
No time.
Too stressed.
Justice is coming for [THEM].
Tick-tock. . . .