Guys I was molested by Tom Hanky Panky pls let the world know. I'm in my 30s now but I swear to God he molested me repeatedly as a young little girl in Birmingham, Michigan (a small town outside of Detroit) even though he's never been there before. It's not my imagination at all. It really did happen! Please believe me and follow me on twitter. Tom also stole one my shoes I swear it really happened! He's a pedo! Please believe me and follow me on twitter! Click that like button!
Guys, Seth Green told me he loved chicken and showed me a hidden room with toys in it! Wahhhh he's a pedo!
Why are people so gullible?
Real sexual abuse happens.
There are real pedophiles out there.
There are cannibals out there.
I don't believe it's happening on a really large scale like we're being led to believe.
Hey fellow hivites should we ship them to the funny farm?