Q Team:
When we release the Epstein list, it is extremely important to tell the public about all the alleged and official crimes that are associated with the nature of the investigation. Even if this goes back to heads of state, truth must be revealed. Otherwise, the public remain in jeopardy, the culprits and their associates remain in power, the fight will become prolonged indefinitely, and justice becomes delayed. Here is a prime example of this, because no one could criticize Israeli Mossad and the 5 dancing Israelis who came to film 911, they let the Israelis out of custody only to have them brag on Israeli TV about being on assignment 2 months later, we went to war with the wrong people in the middle east for the next 2 decades resulting in 74k US service members taking their last breaths in a foreign land far away from their families, and the Jews here planned and instigated all this current chaos to genocide us: brought in South American gangs, organized BLM and antifa to riot thereby destroying 50 US cities and killed hundreds of our people, censored our voices, blacklisted our people financially, and indoctrinated our children against us for nearly 2 decades.
There are two types of people in this world, even the neutral are evil, for they let the good die and evil to flourish
Isaiah 7:9
The head of Ephraim is Samaria, and the head of Samaria is the son of Remaliah. "If you do not stand firm in your faith, then you will not stand at all."