fucking nerd fuck you
one of the new board owner narratives is that every informational post "must have a source"
some sort of blue tick approval shit they just made up in their admin cubby house
so now they want to delete any posts that they claim has "no sauce"
QR is a Nanny State now
anyone who writes code to filter anons here is a treasonous faggot
I'll be deleted too
they are cowards
only watkins can do that
>attacking real anons
yes I have seen that on several occasions
they have a personal hatred for some anons and delete all their posts regardless of worthy content or not
stalinists in the kitchen! it needs a purge
the trials come after the executions in my world
Where is your precious God now?
>Your god will burn.
How Christian of you!
Will you burn me at the stake because I deny the existence of your God?
You sanctimonius religious people are such hypocrites, right down deep to the very bone
>Even God does this.
Oh my. So you speak for God do you?
Are you his representative on Earth?
BTW, you keep referencing my God, who would that be? Do I have one? Did I say I have one?
Like all twisted religious nutjobs, you are painting yourself into a corner
No logic, no rationality