Remember Monsanto vs Schmeiser?
Even if you don't consent to receive the corporation's patented product, if it can be found on your property, your property becomes theirs.
You knew this about saMRNA when you approved it, right @EMA_news?
@MaryanneDemasi @RWMaloneMD
The Biopharmaceutical Complex is preparing for the large-scale deployment of replicon (self-amplifying) mRNA injections, with at least 33 candidates in development.
These products behave like a synthetic virus. The replicon mRNA is designed to encode not only the target antigen but also viral replicase, enabling the mRNA to replicate itself within the target cells. This replication machinery allows for an unknown period of toxic antigen production. Concerningly, none of the clinical trials have addressed the major concern of product shedding.
The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) are the primary funders behind this technology to combat ‘Disease X’. This is an extremely high risk ‘vaccine’ platform that should be avoided at all costs. Cellular installation of synthetic replicons requires decades of intense safety testing.