Obama and everyone else is so fucked now that Trump is president again.
Trump is always proven right with previous seed planting, then boom, at right time a huge fucking boomerang.
>>22629730 yep the normies are ready to see it now.
Should be made viral
Heads will explode.
Orly Taitz needs to be brought back i to the discussion 2025.
She was right all along and judges were corrupt time she was suing.
I cannot wiat to see Orly Taitz taking a victory lap.
I hope Joe Arpaio is around to see all the truth about Obama revealed.
Trump will be proven correct.
Donald Trump and Orly Taitz Reinvigorate 'Birtherism' After Hawaii Plane Crash
State Health Director Loretta Fuddy died Wednesday after a crash-landing near Molokai island.
By Steven Nelson
Dec. 13, 2013, at 11:23 a.m.
Prominent leaders of the so-called "birther" movement pounced Thursday on news that Hawaii State Department of Health Director Loretta Fuddy died after a Wednesday plane crash.
Fuddy approved the release of President Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate in 2011, after the president requested the document. Billionaire businessman Donald Trump, toying with the idea of running for president, had aggressively toured the country demanding its release.
In April 2011 Trump told the "Today" show he had dispatched a investigators to Hawaii to investigate Obama's birth place and claimed "they cannot believe what they're finding."
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His probe produced no evidence showing Obama was not born in Hawaii.
Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio, however took on the challenge and appointed a five-person "cold case posse" to analyze the White House-released birth certificate. During a March 2012 press conference he declared it a "computer-generated forgery" and claimed two felonies had been committed in its preparation.
Arpaio, however, seems to be on the outs with the "birther" movement. Taitz published on her blog a letter from a self-described Arpaio donor, who promised not to send the 81-year-old sheriff another contribution until he acts on "the 100 [percent] evidence [he] claims to have showing that Obama committed fraud in Maricopa county by running for president."
Arpaio's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.