Well, it's easy to see who Cavuto's RINO replacement was.
I remember when it was bad form to speculate on Q's identity.
>Everyone's been wrong so far, too.
And you would know this how?
Oh, you're that retard that tries to stand out by using slashes. Filtered.
KEK. They whined and cried about "famefags" for two years, said it was board cancer, tried to destroy some they called that, and look at 'em all trying to be one, either by copying one or coming up with the lamest gimmick they can think of. I'm not against other personalities standing out on their own, but earn it through being genuine, authentic, and sincere.
Who's the blond haired, brown-eyed Ukrainian bimbo from their government making the rounds on north american media trying to tell people what to think?
Still the same shills, but they're just getting more desperate. Nothing they do seems to work, no matter what they try, and what they try is just the same thing over and over and over and over and over with a different coat of paint and expecting different results than they get it seems.
You know the chase is better than the catch.