I heard him say that Trump called him at all hours of the day to read and post on different ‘PLATFORMS’
Hmmmmm….what are the different platforms of which he speaks
I heard him say that Trump called him at all hours of the day to read and post on different ‘PLATFORMS’
Hmmmmm….what are the different platforms of which he speaks
Maybe,but no
Miller wants us to keep shitposting!
Man…Stephen Miller on fire.
He doen’st need a prepared speech.
What special name do I have?
Somebody has to help me get rid of whatever it is you say i have.
I have not done one thing in the settings to give myself a ‘special name’ . I don’t even know what special name shows ups when i post.
It looks normal to me.
I am just a tech challenged old person.
What do i do to undo my special name.
What settings?
Thanks. I think i clearied it, even though it didn’t show having anything in it.
Did it work?
Maybe sleeping joe was pretending all the time
Mark Levin did a good job putting the administrative deep state in a context people can understand easier.
He called it a ‘government within a government’
A ‘subterranean government’
Birthright citizenship is the next big battle.
Are there any memes on birthright citizenship?
Stephen Miller just asked everyone to get in the battle and help Trump.
Now would be the time to start the campaign to correct birthright citizenship
I know
I am not fond of him either.
But he can be in fight against birthright citizenship
Imagine a pregnant woman breaking into your house and delivering a baby, which immediately becomes an heir of your property.
Imagine a guest staying at your house and producing a baby, which immediately claims ownership to your property.
Never heard of this buy, PBD, but he is easy to listen to
Will the rare minerals seal include the child trafficking deposits in Ukraine?
And bio lab deposits?