Anonymous ID: be6de9 Feb. 22, 2025, 9:31 a.m. No.22633438   🗄️.is 🔗kun


people who show up and get 'refugee status', live with their relatives, and then buy into every scam run by 'voucherized health care'.

suddenly they all need 800 dollar 'orthopedic shoes'.

they all get every single form of welfare available.

they fill their carts up with the best food and pay for it with EBT cards which they keep in a deck . . . in their pocket . . . claiming that it for their 'employer' (if thye are working why do they need welfare?) and they are the house keeper.


And then they call their children 'dreamers' and the government puts them at the front of the line for everything and guarantees them a free education and a life time of welfare . . .

as a DEI person.

then they say that 'white people should be illiminated . . . '

and if you don't support giving 200 billion for a war in a foreign country, which their tribe runs, they say you are worse than Hitler. . . .