Premier of Alberta, Danyell Smith says ”Mark Carney would be worse than Justin Trudeau”
We knew this day was coming so don't act surprised
Premier of Alberta, Danyell Smith says ”Mark Carney would be worse than Justin Trudeau”
We knew this day was coming so don't act surprised
Canada is next
Not our fault US buy 4 to 6 million barrel of oil a day from Canada that create a US deficit with Canada remember Trump said they don't really need it
ThankQ Trump but here why it a no answer you waken up most Canadian normie
Guess all these project will kick-start by this spring or summer
That should be good for a few 10,000 high paying construction job!&&p=79dcfe5691d3d65524f5f8e790dc0109571146042cdeea11cb9186b12ca43fceJmltdHM9MTczODQ1NDQwMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=4&fclid=1fcc3dde-c1ac-6d38-3216-28cdc0da6c87&psq=transCanada+ontario+pipeline&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuY2JjLmNhL25ld3MvY2FuYWRhL2NhbGdhcnkvdHJhbnMtbW91bnRhaW4tZXhwYW5zaW9uLWJlZ2lucy0xLjcxNTAzNDM&ntb=1
Here learn a bit more why not
Technical information of the contested project
The Ring of Fire is a massive planned chromite mining and smelting development project in the James Bay Lowlands of Northern Ontario (Gov. of Ontario, n.d.). Chromite is used in making stainless steel. This region holds one of the world's richest chromite deposits as well as nickel, copper and platinum, which have been variously valued at anywhere from $30 billion to $60 billion (Canadian Press, 2015). It is considered "one of the largest potential mineral reserves in Ontario" with "more than 35 junior and intermediate mining and exploration companies covering an area of about "1.5 million hectares" (Matawa FN, 2013). By 2010, there were more than 30,000 claim units in the 5,000-square-kilometre area (Canadian press, 2010). Development has been delayed for almost a decade by challenges of accessing remote regions and due to demands by First Nations for adequate consultation. Noront Resources plans to open a chromite mine and send ore to a smelter either in Timmins or Sault Ste. Marie for processing. A ferrochrome facility would process chromite from the Ring of Fire. The company at one time was also considering Coniston as the potential location for its chromite smelter, but earlier this year narrowed its list to the Sault and Timmins.
On 28 August 2007, Noront Resources announced the discovery of a "large find" of "high grade deposit" of platinum, palladium, nickel, and copper 500 kilometres (310 miles) northeast of Thunder Bay, Ontario. Its underground mine project is called the Eagle's Nest Project. To reduce heavy truck traffic, Noront is planning to build a buried 90 kilometres (56 miles)-long slurry pipeline, using new technology safety features, from the site to Webequie Junction.
US only want free trade when it free for them
On 26 April 2013, Tony Clement called the Ring of Fire the oil sands of Ontario. On 13 June 2013, Cliffs announced it would put its $3.3-billion project on hold pending results of negotiations between First Nations and Queen's Park. Clement said that the Ring of Fire would bring "about a hundred years of mining activity that will spin-off jobs and economic activity for generations".
In February 2013, KWG had released the report it commissioned by the engineering firm Tetra Tech regarding the viability of building a railroad, instead of a road, to access chromite in the Ring of Fire. Big Daddy chromite deposit to CN Rail (CN) near Nakina, Ontario. According to KWG, KWG's 100 percent owned subsidiary, Canada Chrome Corporation, had "conducted a $15 million surveying and soil testing program for the engineering and construction of a railroad to the Ring of Fire from Exton, Ontario." The February 2013 Tetra Tech engineering firm report said that concluded that a railroad would provide better access to ore in the Ring of Fire, than a road.
By April 2013, Canada Chrome Corporation, had "staked a 330 km (210 mi)-kilometre-long "string of mining claims" which would eventually provide a transportation corridor from the Big Daddy chromite deposit to CN Rail (CN) near Nakina, Ontario. In an April 2013 interview, Moe Lavigne, VP of KWG Resources, a former Ontario Geological Survey geologist, said that the federal government would consider Tetra Tech's findings. Lavigne, said that they had staked mining claims to eventually build the railroad and make their stranded assets "viable." Lavigne said that "Ontario's Mining Act would safeguard his company's corridor claims."
In May 2017, representatives from KWG and the Marten Falls First Nation (MFFN), made an official visit to FSDI headquarters in Xi'an, China. The FSDI feasibility study estimated that the capital cost of building the Far North railroad would be about $2 billion, says a June 2017 Northern Ontario Business article. The same article said that the proposed railroad would transport 10 million tonnes of chromite annually by 2030, potentially growing to a yearly volume of up to 24 million tonnes by 2040. To complete the project, KWG was seeking financing from both China and the Government of Ontario, including supply agreements with the Chinese stainless steel industry.